Non-Fiction Program
Rev. 18-Mar-2000
Larry Ahern, Larry.Ahern@chicon.org;
Nick Winks, non-fiction@chicon.org
Larry Ahern and Nick Winks are working on the programming for the
Non-Fiction Track, and seeking ideas and participants. So far, the
following topics have been suggested:
- GOH Ben Bova on Space
- GOH Ben Bova on Implications of Immortality
- History Must be Viewed with the Same Forward-looking Eye as the Future
- Chicago's Scientific History
- Using SF to Teach Science
- Any Scientific Presentations
- The Science in Science Fiction
- The Future of Genetic Research - will you have blue eyes with that?
- Orwellian Futures - possible or not?
- What Scientific Discipline offers the most for the Future?
- Attending authors (Name the author/s):
- Chicago Scientists (Name the scientist/s):
- Melissa, Chernobyl and Michaelangelo: The proliferation of virii
- Scientific Myths: Science "everyone knows" that is wrong.
- Mapping the Wild Genome: What is a genome and why so much research?
- Nanotechnology and Clarke's Law: Will nanotechnology live up to the
- The Reference Shelf: What non-fiction books are essential to have on
your shelves.
- The Ten Greatest Technological Advances of the Twentieth Century
That Never Were.
- Ancient and Medieval Economic Systems: Before there was money, there
was barter.
- Preindustrial Technology: Technology existed long before the
industrial revolution.
- Light Pollution: A discussion of the problem and what can be done to
solve it.
- Launch Windows and Orbital Mechanics: Why can't we go to Mars
whenever we want?
- Favorite Science Authors: Who are good scientists to read to keep
- Mars: Planet of a Thousand Faces? First the face on Mars, now the
Happy Face...
- Space Law: What rules govern the use of space and whose laws will
- Spaceguard: How to get involved in the Spaceguard Project and will
it do any good?
- Return to Luna: What could make a return to the Moon profitable?
- The Christian Ready Show
- The Christian Ready Show, Royal Encore Performance
- From the Distant Past: What do we really know about dinosaurs?
- Burial at Space: If it's good enough for Roddenberry and Leary...
- The Outer Planets: Mars and Venus are overused - what about the
- Coming Soon From the Phone Company: An Ameritech representative
- Web Resources You Should Know About.
- When Will the Privatization of Space Arrive: Talked about for years,
- What Constitutes Good Science Writing?
- Building a Successful Website: SF Site Case Study:
- Weird, Weird Chicago: Ghost hunter Richard Crowe.
- Haunted Chicago: Ghost hunter Richard Crowe returns.
- The Future Is Now: Trends and technology which will affect our
- Are Computers Becoming Our Significant Others?
- Manufacturing In Space: What will work better - and cheaper?
- Fiction to Fact: Science fictional devices which have become real.
- Preaching to the Choir: Why a strong space program is important.
- The Future of Low Earth Orbit: Near Space is getting crowded.
- The Price of Space: Why spend so much money of space travel?
- Earthgrazers: Comets and Asteroids that come a little too close for
- Library Acquisitions: You can help your library.
- Cancer Research in the Coming Millennium:
- Hovercrafts: How do they work, where can they go?
- But Heinlein Said. . . : A look at Robert Heinlein's predictive
- Alien Intelligence Right Under Our Noses: Are there folks to talk to
- Cryptography: How are Codes created - and broken?
- Planetary Formation: How to design realistic planets.
- Lights in the Sky: Searching for UFOs and all those people who have
been abducted.
- I Know What You're Thinking: Is there any evidence in support of ESP
- Nature's Clones: The special relationship of twins.
- Buying a Telescope: What to look for in purchasing a ticket to the
greatest show.
- An Uncharted Backwater of the Galaxy: Earth WAS the center of the
- Claustrophobia in Space: How Astronauts and Cosmonauts deal with
being cooped up.
- If There Were Concrete Proof That UFO's Landed on the White House
- SETI@home: How to become involved in the search for Extraterrestrial
- Heaven on Earth: Meteorite retrieval and what these rocks tell us.
- When Chicago Was a Crater: Long ago, the Chicago area was struck by
a meteorite.
- What is a Planet?: Brian Marsden's 1998 suggestion that Pluto be
- Shoot for the Moon: Why are we talking about Mars? We aren't back to
the Moon!
- The Sources of Fantasy: Folklore
- The Sources of Fantasy: History
- The Sources of Fantasy: Dreams
- I'm Going to Live Forever: Science fiction has been predicting
immortality. When?
We would also like to know if panelists/presenters will require anything
unusual in the way of audiovisual aids for their panel.
Please send your comments to
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