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A Deepness in the Sky
A Civil Campaign
Darwin's Radio
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"The Winds of Marble Arch"
"Forty, Counting Down"
"The Astronaut From Wyoming"
"Hunting the Snark"
"Son Observe the Time"
"1016 to 1"
"Stellar Harvest"
"Border Guards"
"The Secret History of the Ornithopter"
"Fossil Games"
"The Chop Girl"
"Scherzo with Tyrannosaur"
"Ancient Engines"
"Hothouse Flowers"
Science Fiction of the 20th Century
The Sandman: The Dream Hunters
The Science of Discworld
Spectrum 6: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide
Galaxy Quest
The Matrix
The Sixth Sense
Being John Malkovich
The Iron Giant
Gardner Dozois
Stanley Schmidt
David G. Hartwell
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Gordon Van Gelder
Michael Whelan
Bob Eggleton
Don Maitz
Jim Burns
Donato Giancola
Science Fiction Chronicle
The New York Review of Science Fiction
File 770
Dave Langford
Mike Glyer
Evelyn C. Leeper
Steven H Silver
Bob Devney
Joe Mayhew
Teddy Harvia
Brad Foster
Freddie Baer
Taral Wayne
Cory Doctorow
Ellen Klages
Shane Tourtellotte
Kristine Smith
Thomas Harlan
In addition, the Big Heart Award was presented by Forrest J Ackerman to Robert Silverberg and, and David Kyle presented the First Fandom Award to Jack Williamson (who was not present). Ackerman turned over further administration of the Big Heart Award, for the 21st century, to David A. Kyle.
Chicon 2000 received 1,101 Hugo ballots. Thirty ballots were eliminated for various reasons (i.e., no signature), which left 1,071 valid ballots. There were 475 electronic ballots submitted. The Hugo ballot counting program was written by Jeffrey Copeland.
Best Novel --- 929 ballots counted first place: Round: 1 2 3 4 5 A Deepness in the Sky 246 246 279 312 433 A Civil Campaign 237 237 257 308 356 Cryptonomicon 171 171 199 227 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 151 151 170 Darwin's Radio 114 114 NO AWARD 10 Comments: The Hugo and John W. Campbell Awards are determined by an optional preferential voting method. Voters may rank their choices for first place, second place, and so on. In the first round, A Deepness in the Sky received the most first place votes. Since "No Award" got the least number of first place votes, it was eliminated and the ten ballots with "No Award" as the first choice were checked to see if there were any second place votes. There were no second place votes and Darwin's Radio was eliminated in the second round. The elimination process continues until one of the candidates receives more than half the first place votes (in this case, 465 votes) or until just two candidates are left. In the third round, some of the 114 ballots with Darwin's Radio as first choice did have second place votes. A Deepness in the Sky picked up 33 votes, A Civil Campaign picked up 20 votes, Cryptonomicon got 28 votes, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban got 19 votes. The elimination rounds continued until just two canidates were left with A Deepness in the Sky holding its lead through all five rounds. Apply the No Award test: 609 ballots rank A Deepness in the Sky higher than No Award 40 ballots rank No Award higher than A Deepness in the Sky A Deepness in the Sky is confirmed as winner... The No Award test is from Section 3.11.3 of the World Science Fiction Society Constitution: "After a tentative winner is determined, then unless "No Award" shall be the winner, the following additional test shall be made. If the number of ballots preferring "No Award" to the tentative winner is greater than the number of ballots preferring the tentative winner to "No Award", then "No Award" shall be declared the winner of the election." second place: A Civil Campaign 288 289 347 417 Darwin's Radio 198 198 248 362 Cryptonomicon 218 218 237 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 181 181 NO AWARD 14 Comments: Second through last place are determined by eliminating the candidate with most first place votes. In this case, A Deepness in the Sky was eliminated for the second place runoff determination and any second place votes from the 246 ballots listing A Deepness in the Sky as first choice were moved to the remaining ballots as first place votes. A Civil Campaign remained in second place with the additional 51 first place votes it received. Darwin's Radio got 84 more first place votes, which brought it up to the second place rank in this runoff. third place: Cryptonomicon 279 279 394 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 276 277 358 Darwin's Radio 270 270 NO AWARD 25 Comments: When A Civil Campaign was eliminated in the third place runoff round, Cryptonomicon got enough votes to reach third place. fourth place: Darwin's Radio 416 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 355 NO AWARD 35 fifth place: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 588 NO AWARD 86
Best Novella --- 713 ballots counted first place: "The Winds of Marble Arch" 182 182 211 254 325 "The Astronaut From Wyoming" 176 177 199 213 257 "Forty, Counting Down" 127 127 138 171 "Hunting the Snark" 121 121 127 "Son Observe the Time" 87 87 NO AWARD 20 Apply the No Award test: 469 ballots rank "The Winds of Marble Arch" higher than No Award 56 ballots rank No Award higher than "The Winds of Marble Arch" "The Winds of Marble Arch" is confirmed as winner... second place: "Forty, Counting Down" 165 165 195 272 "The Astronaut From Wyoming" 199 200 237 268 "Hunting the Snark" 159 159 180 "Son Observe the Time" 120 120 NO AWARD 24 third place: "The Astronaut From Wyoming" 238 240 292 "Hunting the Snark" 214 216 263 "Son Observe the Time" 143 143 NO AWARD 28 fourth place: "Hunting the Snark" 299 "Son Observe the Time" 212 NO AWARD 38 fifth place: "Son Observe the Time" 353 NO AWARD 63
Best Novelette --- 622 ballots counted first place: "1016 to 1" 125 125 140 150 183 250 "Border Guards" 124 125 137 148 183 229 "Stellar Harvest" 137 137 143 152 174 "The Secret History of the Ornithopter" 98 99 112 125 "Fossil Games" 56 56 60 "The Chop Girl" 54 55 NO AWARD 28 Comments: Here you see the major difference between the preferential and plurality voting methods. "Stellar Harvest" started out with the most first place votes and would have won if the Hugo voting system just awarded the candidate with the most votes. The preferential voting method is able to determine which candidate was preferred by a majority of the voters. In this case, "1016 to 1" and "Border Guards" both turned out to have more first and second place votes than "Stellar Harvest" when the other nominees were eliminated. If a simple plurality voting method was used, a candidate could win with only about one-sixth the total number of votes (five nominees and No Award). If there was a requirement stating that the winner must have some percentage of the total number of votes, some sort of runoff vote would be needed in the common case where no nominee received the minimum number of votes required to win. Apply the No Award test: 385 ballots rank "1016 to 1" higher than No Award 50 ballots rank No Award higher than "1016 to 1" "1016 to 1" is confirmed as winner... second place: "Stellar Harvest" 169 169 179 198 252 "Border Guards" 144 145 158 181 234 "The Secret History of the Ornithopter" 116 117 133 158 "The Chop Girl" 73 74 85 "Fossil Games" 64 64 NO AWARD 30 third place: "Border Guards" 172 173 198 232 "The Secret History of the Ornithopter" 157 158 184 227 "The Chop Girl" 95 96 116 "Fossil Games" 93 94 NO AWARD 36 fourth place: "The Secret History of the Ornithopter" 189 190 243 "Fossil Games" 143 144 191 "The Chop Girl" 138 139 NO AWARD 38 fifth place: "Fossil Games" 199 203 "The Chop Girl" 191 193 NO AWARD 51 sixth place: "The Chop Girl" 324 NO AWARD 61
Best Short Story --- 659 ballots counted first place: "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" 150 151 175 229 312 "macs" 132 132 156 188 227 "Hothouse Flowers" 125 125 147 174 "Ancient Engines" 114 115 128 "Sarajevo" 97 98 NO AWARD 41 Apply the No Award test: 456 ballots rank "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" higher than No Award 53 ballots rank No Award higher than "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" is confirmed as winner... second place: "Ancient Engines" 174 176 205 283 "macs" 152 152 186 228 "Hothouse Flowers" 150 150 184 "Sarajevo" 116 117 NO AWARD 42 third place: "Hothouse Flowers" 213 215 274 "macs" 195 196 254 "Sarajevo" 149 150 NO AWARD 47 fourth place: "macs" 269 "Sarajevo" 205 NO AWARD 55 fifth place: "Sarajevo" 354 NO AWARD 74
Best Related Book --- 681 ballots counted first place: Science Fiction of the 20th Century 211 212 233 259 320 The Sandman: The Dream Hunters 135 135 154 185 221 The Science of Discworld 126 126 127 152 Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide 112 112 117 Spectrum 6 66 67 NO AWARD 31 Apply the No Award test: 406 ballots rank Science Fiction of the 20th Century higher than No Award 46 ballots rank No Award higher than Science Fiction of the 20th Century Science Fiction of the 20th Century is confirmed as winner... second place: The Sandman: The Dream Hunters 156 157 195 252 The Science of Discworld 156 157 185 205 Spectrum 6 136 137 154 Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide 128 128 NO AWARD 44 third place: The Science of Discworld 205 206 260 Spectrum 6 169 171 196 Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide 145 145 NO AWARD 46 fourth place: Spectrum 6 252 Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide 188 NO AWARD 55 fifth place: Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide 275 NO AWARD 91
Best Dramatic Presentation --- 1007 ballots counted first place: Galaxy Quest 284 285 323 381 501 The Matrix 300 300 321 349 442 The Sixth Sense 177 178 194 238 Being John Malkovich 136 137 145 The Iron Giant 90 92 NO AWARD 20 Comments: The Matrix started out with the most first place votes. But as nominees were eliminated, Galaxy Quest managed to pull ahead because more voters had given it second place votes. Apply the No Award test: 843 ballots rank Galaxy Quest higher than No Award 34 ballots rank No Award higher than Galaxy Quest Galaxy Quest is confirmed as winner... second place: The Matrix 373 373 424 502 The Sixth Sense 238 240 286 369 Being John Malkovich 179 180 202 The Iron Giant 142 144 NO AWARD 26 third place: The Sixth Sense 402 404 510 Being John Malkovich 240 241 293 The Iron Giant 219 222 NO AWARD 32 fourth place: Being John Malkovich 369 372 The Iron Giant 363 367 NO AWARD 39 fifth place: The Iron Giant 584 NO AWARD 56
Best Professional Editor --- 726 ballots counted first place: Gardner Dozois 225 226 250 287 382 Stanley Schmidt 160 160 180 196 243 Patrick Nielsen Hayden 136 136 145 183 David G. Hartwell 99 99 114 Gordon Van Gelder 86 86 NO AWARD 20 Apply the No Award test: 523 ballots rank Gardner Dozois higher than No Award 49 ballots rank No Award higher than Gardner Dozois Gardner Dozois is confirmed as winner... second place: Stanley Schmidt 221 221 258 309 Patrick Nielsen Hayden 167 167 192 261 David G. Hartwell 140 140 171 Gordon Van Gelder 130 130 NO AWARD 22 third place: David G. Hartwell 204 206 277 Patrick Nielsen Hayden 190 190 233 Gordon Van Gelder 186 186 NO AWARD 28 fourth place: Patrick Nielsen Hayden 269 269 Gordon Van Gelder 261 263 NO AWARD 34 fifth place: Gordon Van Gelder 429 NO AWARD 50
Best Professional Artist --- 705 ballots counted first place: Michael Whelan 222 222 237 265 332 Bob Eggleton 151 152 186 223 290 Don Maitz 114 114 134 163 Donato Giancola 102 103 120 Jim Burns 98 98 NO AWARD 18 Apply the No Award test: 521 ballots rank Michael Whelan higher than No Award 50 ballots rank No Award higher than Michael Whelan Michael Whelan is confirmed as winner... second place: Bob Eggleton 223 224 270 323 Don Maitz 170 170 202 250 Donato Giancola 114 115 134 Jim Burns 114 114 NO AWARD 19 third place: Don Maitz 245 245 297 Jim Burns 166 167 231 Donato Giancola 148 149 NO AWARD 21 fourth place: Jim Burns 263 Donato Giancola 204 NO AWARD 26 fifth place: Donato Giancola 369 NO AWARD 30
Best Semiprozine --- 697 ballots counted first place: Locus 240 240 258 280 342 Interzone 113 114 140 184 247 Science Fiction Chronicle 127 128 145 166 The New York Review of Science Fiction 105 106 112 Speculations 88 88 NO AWARD 24 Apply the No Award test: 494 ballots rank Locus higher than No Award 63 ballots rank No Award higher than Locus Locus is confirmed as winner... second place: Interzone 163 164 197 264 Science Fiction Chronicle 189 192 216 250 The New York Review of Science Fiction 142 143 151 Speculations 97 97 NO AWARD 26 third place: Science Fiction Chronicle 233 237 280 The New York Review of Science Fiction 199 202 235 Speculations 123 123 NO AWARD 29 fourth place: The New York Review of Science Fiction 286 Speculations 166 NO AWARD 41 fifth place: Speculations 301 NO AWARD 63
Best Fanzine --- 494 ballots counted first place: File 770 121 122 135 158 194 Mimosa 87 87 110 140 177 Ansible 110 110 117 136 Plokta 73 74 89 Challenger 65 66 NO AWARD 38 Apply the No Award test: 299 ballots rank File 770 higher than No Award 55 ballots rank No Award higher than File 770 File 770 is confirmed as winner... second place: Mimosa 124 124 206 Ansible 142 142 194 Challenger 82 83 Plokta 82 83 NO AWARD 41 third place: Ansible 188 188 222 Plokta 109 110 155 Challenger 107 108 NO AWARD 43 fourth place: Plokta 160 162 Challenger 146 148 NO AWARD 51 fifth place: Challenger 239 NO AWARD 62
Best Fan Writer --- 503 ballots counted first place: Dave Langford 144 156 158 172 205 Mike Glyer 105 118 119 137 173 Evelyn C. Leeper 79 94 95 110 Steven H Silver 70 75 75 NO AWARD 56 56 Bob Devney 49 Apply the No Award test: 299 ballots rank Dave Langford higher than No Award 87 ballots rank No Award higher than Dave Langford Dave Langford is confirmed as winner... second place: Mike Glyer 144 147 177 205 Evelyn C. Leeper 102 103 124 149 Steven H Silver 89 89 96 Bob Devney 64 65 NO AWARD 57 third place: Evelyn C. Leeper 143 147 200 Steven H Silver 108 108 133 Bob Devney 91 93 NO AWARD 66 fourth place: Steven H Silver 151 152 Bob Devney 119 122 NO AWARD 73 fifth place: Bob Devney 187 NO AWARD 85
Best Fan Artist --- 520 ballots counted first place: Joe Mayhew 203 212 213 227 Teddy Harvia 79 91 92 123 Freddie Baer 74 81 81 92 Brad Foster 71 75 75 NO AWARD 50 51 Taral Wayne 43 Comments: Joe Mayhew managed to aquire a majority of the votes when Freddie Baer was eliminated in the fourth round. Unfortunately, the counting program did not report the final number of votes Joe and Teddy would have received in the fifth round. Apply the No Award test: 350 ballots rank Joe Mayhew higher than No Award 62 ballots rank No Award higher than Joe Mayhew Joe Mayhew is confirmed as winner... second place: Teddy Harvia 157 158 178 207 Brad Foster 98 98 115 140 Freddie Baer 91 91 102 Taral Wayne 61 61 NO AWARD 56 third place: Brad Foster 170 171 206 Freddie Baer 104 105 127 Taral Wayne 77 77 NO AWARD 59 fourth place: Freddie Baer 156 157 Taral Wayne 127 128 NO AWARD 68 fifth place: Taral Wayne 215 NO AWARD 73
John W. Campbell Award --- 514 ballots counted first place: Cory Doctorow 128 129 141 171 195 Ellen Klages 119 119 124 138 178 Kristine Smith 99 99 106 119 Shane Tourtellotte 84 84 89 Thomas Harlan 55 55 NO AWARD 29 Apply the No Award test: 286 ballots rank Cory Doctorow higher than No Award 39 ballots rank No Award higher than Cory Doctorow Cory Doctorow is confirmed as winner... second place: Ellen Klages 153 154 168 208 Kristine Smith 112 112 124 154 Shane Tourtellotte 108 108 120 Thomas Harlan 68 68 NO AWARD 30 third place: Shane Tourtellotte 153 153 174 Kristine Smith 143 143 172 Thomas Harlan 81 82 NO AWARD 31 fourth place: Kristine Smith 194 Thomas Harlan 113 NO AWARD 34 fifth place: Thomas Harlan 208 NO AWARD 40
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