Site Selection
Rev. 25-May-2000
Tim Szczesuil,
PDF version of site selection ballot online.
Vote for Your 2003 Worldcon!
This Progress Report contains a ballot for the Site Selection for the 61st Worldcon to be held in 2003. The ballot lists all the rules and information, but the most important point is that it is not free. The voting fee for Site Selection is US $35; this not only entitles you to vote (only once, even in Chicago!), but also provides a Supporting membership in the 61st Worldcon regardless of which bid wins. This fee can be put towards an Attending membership after the vote. Conversions will be sold at the same location as the voting on the Sunday of Chicon 2000. Fill out and mail in your ballot now, and you won't have to wait in line at Chicon.
Official Bidders for 61st Worldcon
The filing deadline for bidders for the 61st Worldcon
was Saturday, 04-Mar-2000. As of the end of that day, two
bidders had submitted complete paperwork to qualify to
appear on the Site Selection Ballot to be voted at
Chicon 2000. The two bidders are
Cancún in 2003 [www]
in 2003 [www].
If any member has any questions regarding the Site
Selection process for the 61st Worldcon, please direct
your email to
Tim Szczesuil, Site Selection Administrator
Chicon 2000
Site Selection for the 2003 Worldcon: So You Want to Hold a
Groups interested in bidding to run the 61st Worldcon in 2003 need to file
with Chicon 2000 no later than 180 days before the official opening
ceremony of the Chicon 2000 Worldcon. Therefore, the required paperwork
must be received by Chicon 2000 on or before Saturday, 04-Mar-2000.
The following documents all have to be submitted as the bid filing:
- an
announcement of intent to bid;
- adequate evidence of an agreement with
its proposed site's facilities, such as a conditional contract or a
of agreement;
- the rules under which the Worldcon Committee will operate,
including a specification of the term of office of their chief executive
officer or officers and the conditions and procedures for the selection
replacement of such officer or officers.
The bidding committee must supply written copies of these documents to
any member of WSFS (i.e., until the end of Chicon, any Chicon member) on
Any site which is greater than 60 miles from the site of Chicon 2000,
defined as the Hyatt Regency Chicago, is eligible to bid. Bid filings will
only be accepted by mail to the following address:
Chicon 2000 Site Selection Administrator
18 Oak Hill Road
Littleton MA 01460
Worldcon bidders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the
WSFS Constitution .
Voters for the 2003 Worldcon will be required to pay a voting fee. The
voting fee will be determined by Chicon 2000 after consultation with all
the committees bidding for the right to hold the 2003 Worldcon. Details of
how to vote and the voting fee will be distributed with the site selection
ballots. Any interested party with concerns or questions regarding the
2003 Worldcon Site Selection process may email
Site Selection for the 61st Worldcon
As a member of Chicon 2000,
you can vote in Site Selection (by paying the voting fee)
to choose the site of the 2003 Worldcon.
We'll have more information about that later.
Please check back again closer to the convention.
See also:
Site Selection Results for the 58th Worldcon
Votes for the site of the 2000 Worldcon were tallied at
the 1997 Worldcon, held in San Antonio TX.
Bid Mail-In Thursday Friday Saturday Total
Chicago in 2000 304 148 343 498 1293 Winner
Highmore, SD 1 2 2 1 6
Minneapolis in '73 1 3 2 6
Boston in 2000 2 2
Hawaii in 2000 2 2
Kansas City in 2000 2 2
Wigwam Village 2 2
Winnipeg 2 2
Zagreb 2 2
Za'Ha'Dhum 2 2
Albania 1 1
Alcatraz 1 1
Angel Grove 1 1
Antarctica 1 1
Boston Mountains 1 1
Brighton on the Green Line 1 1
Europa 1 1
Gnome of the Above 1 1
Joliet Prison 1 1
Milwaukee 1 1
New Orleans 1 1
Takoma Park, MD 1 1
The Boat 1 1
None of the Above 4 6 10 7 37
Sub-Total with Preference 312 157 363 537 1369
Votes Needed to Win 685
No Preference 15 17 16 50 98
Total Valid Ballots 327 174 379 587 1467
Invalid/Spoiled Ballots 1 1 2
Note: As a first round majority was obtained, the None of the Above
Showdown was ruled to be moot.
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