Rev. 19-Sep-2000
Nancy Mildebrandt,
Masquerade Photographs
Greg Bradt, the Chicon Masquerade Photographer, has made photographs of most of the Masaqurade entrys available on the web, at his website [www].
Chicon 2000 Masquerade Awards List
Best in Show:
- "Ancient Plagues" - Master Class
- Costumes worn by: Pierre E. Pettinger Jr., Sandy G. Pettinger,
Julie Zetterberg, Greg Sardo, John Blaker, Les Roth,
Greg Abba
Costumes designed by: Pierre & Sandy Pettinger
Costumes made by: Pierre & Sandy Pettinger, Julie Zetterberg,
And Sally Abba with special thanks to Mickey & Pete Pettinger
Master Class Awards
- Best in Class - Master - "Ill Met By Earthlight"
- Costume worn, designed & made by: Jacqueline Ward
- Judges' Choice - Most Glamorous - "The Galactic Liberace"
- Costume worn & made by: Zelda Gilbert
Costume designed by: Zelda Gilbert with help from Robin Pavlosky &
Janet Wilson Anderson
- Judges' Choice - Best Choreography - "In Space, No One Can Hear
You Tap"
- Costumes worn by: Kevin Roche and Belle Davis
Costumes designed & made by: Kevin Roche, Kate Morgenstern &
Bridget Landry
- Judges' Choice - Most Beautiful Master - "Spring Rain"
- Costume worn, designed & made by: Joy Day
- Honorable Mention - "Poke-Brat"
- Costumes worn by: Lance Ikegawa and David Sheets
Costume designed by: Lance Ikegawa
Costume made by: Lance Ikegawa and Kathy Sanders
Journeyman Class Awards
- Best in Class - Journeyman - "The Awakening"
- Costumes worn by: Susan Eisenhour & Margaret Blakesley
Costumes designed & made by: Susan Eisenhour
- Judges' Choice - Best Presentation - "A Klingon Quiet Night 3"
- Costumes worn by: Alfred Richard & Margot Palmere
Costumes designed & made by: Alfred Richard, Margot Palmere &
Steve Clelland
- Judges' Choice - Of Gor - "Mother-in-Law of Gor"
- Costumes worn by: Zoanne Allen, Terry Cupples, Michael Fobbs &
Ju Marty
Costumes designed by: Zoanne Allen, Terry Cupples & Michael Fobbs
Costumes made by: Zoanne Allen, Terry Cupples, Blaine Drayer &
Jack Cole
- Judges' Choice - Most Original - "A Mother's Love"
- Costumes worn by: Morgana Blackwood & Juanita Nesbitt
Costumes designed & made by: Winston Howlett, Juanita Nesbitt &
David Blanding with special technical help provided by
Danielle Ostach
- Honorable Mention - "Samples from Sylvan Dior's Latest Fashion
- Costumes worn by: Kris Honse, Ian Honse, Mike Byrne, Jeri Byrne &
Denise Garner
Costumes designed & made by: Kris Honse
- Honorable Mention - "Sister Medea of the Purple Prose"
- Costume worn, designed & made by: Anne Davenport
- Honorable Mention - "Carneval 2047"
- Costumes worn & made by: Bill Ernoehazy, Gail Ernoehazy,
John Bondi-Ernoehazy, Tina Beychok & Steve Bartlett
Costumes designed by: Bill Ernoehazy, Gail Ernoehazy &
John Bondi-Ernoehazy
Novice Class Awards
- Best in Class - Novice - "Galaxy Breast Bra"
- Costumes worn by: Rachelle Hrubetz, Sallie Abba, Mandi Arthur,
Diane Dunlap & Jeannette Roth
Costumes designed by: Rachelle Hrubetz
Costumes made by: Rachelle Hrubetz, Sallie Abba, Mandi Arthur,
Diane Dunlap, Jeannette Roth & Sheril Harper
- Judges' Choice - Most Cowrageous - "Royal Cownadian Moonted
- Costume worn, designed & made by: Jay Meisner
- Judges' Choice - Sauciest - "A Tale of a Space Vixen"
- Costume worn by: Eugenia Horne
Costume designed & made by: The Royal Society for the Advancement
of Space Operetta based on Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens.
- Honorable Mention - "We're Off to See the Wizard, with Toto too"
- Costumes worn by: Mark Christensen, Cathleen Christensen & Caitlin
Costumes made by: Cathleen Christensen
- Honorable Mention - "The Thermian Ambassador"
- Costumes worn by: Sunshine Katz & Ted Begley
Costumes designed & made by: Sunshine Katz
Junior Class Awards
- Best in Class - Junior - "The Magic Sea Shell"
- Costume worn by: Melissa Knappenberger
Costume designed & made by: Melissa Knappenberger with a little
help from her mom & dad
- Judges' Choice - "Fire Lizard Fairy"
- Costume worn by: Kathleen Fowler
Costume designed & made by: Heather Fowler
- Judges' Choice - "3 Ways to Die"
- Costumes worn, designed & compiled by: Shaina Lyn-Waitsman &
Helen Hebel
Workmanship Awards
- Best in Show -
"Ill Met by Earthlight"
- Jacqueline Ward
- Best in Master Class -
- Lance Ikegawa
- Best in Journeyman Class -
"Samples from Sylvan Dior's Latest Fashion Collection"
- Kris Honse
- Best in Novice Class -
"Galaxy Breast Bra"
- Rachelle Hrubetz, Sallie Abba, Mandi Arthur, Diane Dunlap,
Jeannette Roth & Sheril Harper
- Best in Junior Class -
"The Magic Sea Shell"
- Melissa Knappenberger, Mom & Dad
Fairmont Hotel - Imperial Ballroom, Lower Level.
Sunday, September 3, 8:30 pm to ???
Handicapped seating begins 7:30 pm.
Master of Ceremonies - Greg Rihn.
The Masquerade, a WorldCon feature since DisCon 1 in 1963, is one of the
top five events of any WorldCon. Costumers from literally around the world
come to present their craft. Themes range from the ridiculous to the
sublime, from drama to high camp. The costume may be a solo entry or a
group endeavor (group costumes have become increasingly common in recent
years). A costume might have been thrown together for next to nothing,
like one winner at
last year's NASFiC [www],
"I Have No Mouse and I Must Scream", put
together at the con from Harlan Ellison's freebie mouse pads; it may have
cost hundreds of dollars to make and been years in construction. However
the costumes were made or are presented, though, the Chicon 2000
will be an extravaganza not to be missed.
Call to Compete #2
From Progress Report 6.
to all who have already expressed interest in competing in the
Chicon 2000 Masquerade. It is looking like we will have a fairly good-sized
The most important piece of news is that the masquerade will be held on
SUNDAY night in the Imperial Ballroom at the Fairmont Hotel. The Hugos
(which will also be held in the Fairmont's Imperial ballroom) and the
Masquerade have switched nights so that the Masquerade contestants can have
the entire day Sunday for full-tech rehearsals in a completely set-up room.
The masquerade green room will be located in the Gold room (a wedding was
booked into the other large ballroom before all of the space Chicon booked
was locked in). As a result, there will be a change in how photography will
be handled. I will be writing to those photographers who have already
contacted me to discuss how I intend to handle photography. Complete
details will be posted on the web as they become available and will be
published in the final PR.
Part 1 of the Masquerade guidelines, as well as the registration forms,
have been completed and are printed following this report. They will also
be posted on the Chicon 2000 web site. You can
or by
snail mail.
You will notice that there are two levels of registration. The first form
is intended to give the basic information I need about your entry. Anyone
who is even remotely considering competing should submit this form as soon
as possible, even if you are not sure right now whether you will actually
participate or not. The second registration form is intended to provide me
with more detailed information about your entry. You can send me the Level
2 entry form as soon as you have all the information but I must receive it
no later than 01-Aug-2000.
Speaking of 01-Aug-2000, this will be the primary cut-off for entering this
competition, depending on how many entries I get by that time. Some slots
may be held open for at the door entries, but I hope these will be new
costumers who did not hear about Chicon until after the cut-off date. So,
send in those entry forms.
Yours in costuming,
Nancy E. Mildebrandt
Chicon 2000 Masquerade Director
Chicon 2000 Masquerade Guidelines
The Chicon 2000 Masquerade is a costume competition for Science Fiction and
Fantasy based costumes made by fans. Historical costumes with a fantasy
bent either in their construction or in their presentation are also
Chicon 2000 will be using a skill division system so those costumers with
similar experience will be competing with their peers.
- Junior division:
- for anyone under 13 years of
age. Costumes made by the entrant and those made by adults will be
judged separately.
- Novice division:
- for anyone who has won less than three
awards in the Novice division and no awards in a higher division at a
previous World Science Fiction Convention or CostumeCon.
- Journeyman division:
- for anyone who has won less than three
awards in the Journeyman division and no awards in the Master division
at a previous World Science Fiction Convention or CostumeCon.
- Master division:
- for anyone ineligible for the previously listed divisions. Also,
anyone who makes a significant part of their living in the costuming field
must compete at this level.
Any costumer may opt to compete at a higher level, but not at a lower one.
For group entries, the group's most skilled member determines the division.
If you are unsure in which division to enter, please confer with the
Masquerade Director.
Presentation and Workmanship Judging:
Costumes will be judged separately for presentation and workmanship. The
presentation panel of judges will judge the costume solely by what is seen
on the stage. This would include the costume and the manner in which it is
presented, with an emphasis on the costume. The workmanship judging is
optional and performed up-close backstage. The whole costume or specific
pieces may be submitted for workmanship judging for a multitude of
construction techniques not limited to sewing. Workmanship for groups will
be based on the individual skill level of each maker.
Awards will be given out within the skill divisions and all costumes
competing are eligible to win the Best in Show award.
A further division for judging purposes is into Original and/or Recreation.
An Original costume is designed from the costumer's imagination. A
Recreation costume is based on an existing visual source such as a movie,
television show, painting or book cover. It is highly recommended that
Recreation entries bring photographic documentation of the original costume
their entry is based on, as the judges may not be familiar with the source
of your costume. Recreation costume entry's designer should be the original
designer or artist.
If you have any questions about which area to compete in, or feel you may
fall into both areas, please write to the Masquerade Director.
Costume Eligibility:
Any costume that has been entered and won a major award (Best in Show or
Best in Class) at a previous Worldcon or CostumeCon is not eligible to
compete unless significant changes have been made. (If this applies to your
entry, please contact the Masquerade Director to discuss the situation.)
Mundane store purchased clothing with no additions or alterations will not
be allowed to compete. Also, purchased costumes that have not been altered
will not be allowed to compete. Costumes made by someone other than the
entrant must list the actual maker. Again, if you have any questions,
please contact the Masquerade Director.
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