Con Suite
Rev. 17-Aug-2000
Joan Palfi
Hyatt Regency - Mrs. O'Leary's (upstairs in West Tower).
Thursday through Sunday, Noon to 5:00 am;
Monday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Dead Dawg to follow.
Some rules to remember:
- Smoking is not permitted in Mrs. O'Leary's or in the
around Mrs. O'Leary's. Got that? Good!
- Drugs - you know the spiel. Leave the recreational stuff at
I do not want Chicago's Finest busting up one of my parties.
The Con Suite is not in the business of looking after your children. If
they want to be Good Scouts and help pick up for a half hour or so, that's
all to the good, but if it's 10:30 pm, and they don't know where their
parents are, they will be considered lost children. I thoroughly
hate that idea. Kids, keep track of your parents.
Don't leave anything unwatched. With any gathering this big,
there is bound to be one unsocialized Badly Evolved Micro-Brain, who
considers what's yours is its.
Now for the good stuff. There will be soda,
the usual
munchies, and some unusual ones as well. We Will be celebrating something
each evening (for example, Lon Chaney's Birthday Party - see door for
Chicago is doing some celebrating as well: the Tall Ships will
be at the Navy Pier, the Jazz Festival will be in Grant Park. The Jerry
Lewis Telethon, Chicago Edition will be in the Hotel.
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