Blood Drive
Rev. 15-Aug-2000
Mike Sheffield,
Calling All Fanpires!
The Chicon blood drive will take place on Friday 01-Sep-2000 from noon
until 6 p.m. in the Wrigley Room of the Hyatt.
Whether you are a first timer or have given so many times you've had a
spigot surgically grafted to your arm, we hope you will make time in your
day to come by and give. You could be saving a life.
The folks from Europacon are planning to host a thank you party especially
for all of our blood donors on Saturday the 2nd.
We will have a sign up sheet available starting on Thursday the 31st.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at:
Snail mail:
Mike Sheffield
4572 Keever Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90807-1819
Thank you in advance for your support, and we'll see you at the Con.
The following is a list of eligibility requirements for donating blood.
Who is eligible to give blood?
To give blood, you must be healthy, at least 17 years old, and weigh at
least 110 pounds. Persons who are older than 65 and in good health may
usually donate with the approval of the blood bank physician.
Is it safe to give blood?
Yes, it is very safe. Each needle used in the procedure is sterile and is
disposed of after a single use.
How often can I donate blood?
People in good health who weigh at least 110 pounds can donate a unit of
blood as often as every eight weeks. Some states may further limit the
number and/or frequency of donations in a 12-month period.
Basic Eligibility Requirements
Most healthy adults can give blood through the American Red Cross.
You meet the basic eligibility requirements if you:
- Are at least 17 years old.
- Weigh at least 110 pounds.
- Are in good health on the day of donation.
- Have no history of exposure to hepatitis or AIDS.
- Your last blood donation was at least 56 days (8 weeks) ago.
You Must Not Donate Blood If You Have:
- Taken ("shot up") illegal or non-prescription drugs by needle, even once.
- Taken clotting factor concentrates for a bleeding disorder such as
- Tested positive for the AIDS virus or antibody.
- Taken Tegison for psoriasis.
You CANNOT donate with the following conditions or medications
- Acupuncture with an unsterile needle within 12 months
- AIDS or a positive test for HIV
- Angina
- Common cold with symptoms
- Piercing of an ear or other body part with an unsterile needle within 12
- Fever
- Flu with symptoms
- Gonorrhea within 12 months of completion of treatment
- Hepatitis - history of viral hepatitis after 11th birthday or prospective
donor has or has had a confirmed positive test of Hepatitis B or has or has
had a repeatedly reactive test for Hepatitis B on more than one occasion
- Jaundice after 11th birthday
- Mononucleosis with symptoms
- Pregnancy
- Syphilis within 12 months of completion of treatment
- Tattoo within 12 months
- Tegison
You CAN donate with the following conditions or medications:
- Allergies - no symptoms
- Arthritis
- Asthma - no symptoms
- Blood transfusion more than 12 months ago
- Cancer - some skin and cervical cancers or certain colon polyps (Note: You
may be eligible to donate with a history of other cancers if you never
received chemotherapy and more than 5 years have passed without recurrence.)
- Exposure to common cold, flu or strep, feel well and are free of symptoms
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy or seizures, with no seizures in the last 3 months
- Fainted once before giving blood
- Heart attack - after 6 months if normal activities have been resumed and you
are symptom-free and are not taking cardiac medications
- High blood pressure - controlled by medication
- Jaundice as a newborn
- Malaria - a 1 year or longer residence in a malarial area more than 3 years
- Travel in a malarial area with or without antimalarial drugs more than 12
months ago
- Mononucleosis - exposed but feel well, with no symptoms, or recovered from
- Postpartum more than 6 weeks (Nursing mothers are eligible as long as they
are at least six weeks post partum - drink plenty of fluids before and after
- Stroke - under certain conditions
- Surgery - after sutures are removed and normal physical activity has resumed
- Tooth extraction - more than 3 days ago
- Tuberculosis - when recovered
- Vaccine for Rubella (German Measles) or Chicken Pox after 4 weeks. for
Measles, Mumps, Polio, Smallpox and Yellow Fever after 2 weeks. Vaccine for
Hepatitis B after 7 days if given prophylactically.
You CAN donate if you have taken the following medications:
- Antibiotics, if last dose was taken more than 48 hours ago
- Acne medicine
- Allergy pills
- Aspirin
- Birth control pills
- Proscar, Propecia and Accutane if last dose was more than 4 weeks ago
Getting Ready
There are several things you can do to assure a good donation experience.
You'll want a good night's sleep the night before donation. Have a good
breakfast or lunch with plenty of liquids like milk, juice or soda ahead of
time. After your donation, you can go about your normal daily activities,
avoiding any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise.
Giving Blood Step by Step
Giving blood takes four steps.
- Medical history
- Quick mini-physical (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, iron level)
- Blood donation (less than 10 minutes)
- Snacks
Confidential Health History
To begin, you complete a confidential form with your name, address and
general information about your health history.
Important Checks
A Red Cross staff person will take a drop of blood from your ear to measure
the amount of iron in your blood, and will check your blood pressure, pulse
and temperature.
Blood Donation
Blood is then collected using a sterile, single use needle for each donor.
As your donation begins, you will feel a slight pinch. In about 10 minutes,
you will have completed your blood donation. Slightly less than a pint of
blood is taken (most adults have 10 to 12 pints of blood).
Beverages and Snacks
Next, you will be asked to relax while you enjoy beverages and snacks. This
will help your body adjust to the slight decrease in fluid volume. Your body
replaces that fluid within 24 hours. You can then leave, knowing that you
just may have helped save several lives by donating blood.
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