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WSFS Second Main Business Meeting Agenda |
Presiding Officer: Donald Eastlake III Parliamentarian/Deputy P.O.: Kevin Standlee Secretary: Robert Sacks (standing in for Pat McMurray) Emergency Holographic Secretary: Cheryl Morgan Timekeeper: 'Zanne Labonville Portions of this agenda may refer to separate handouts or to the Preliminary or First Main Business Meeting Agendas. Copies of these Agendas and handouts should still be available in the handout area near the entrance to the room. The head table staff will not save extra handouts, so if you want copies, take them now. 5. Site Selection Business Item 5.1 is a special order of business under Standing Rule 3 and must happen at the beginning of this meeting. Other items in this section, if they did not already happen at earlier meetings, will probably be postponed until the end of today's meeting. 5.1. Report of the 2003 Site Selection & Presentation by Winners 5.2. Reports by seated Worldcons (Question Time) Under Standing Rule 10, each future seated Worldcon Committee is allotted 15 minutes during this meeting. During the first 5 minutes, each committee may make a presentation. The remaining time is allocated for questions and answers. Questions are limited to 15 seconds and answers to 2 minutes. 5.2.1. The Millennium Philcon (2001) 5.2.2. ConJosé (2002) 5.3. Presentations by future Worldcon Bids (Question Time) 5.2.1. Presentation by bidders for 2004 Under Standing Rule 10, committees bidding for the 2004 Worldcon may make a presentation not to exceed 5 minutes, time permitting. 5.2.1. Presentations by bidders for years after 2004 Should there be sufficient time and should the Business Meeting so desire, bidders for future Worldcons may make short presentations as allowed under Standing Rule 10. 1. Committee Reports Committee reports may include motions. Motions made by committees consisting of more than one person need not be seconded. 1.1. Mark Protection Committee (Including Elections for MPC) Elections for the Mark Protection Committee were held at Saturday's Business Meeting. Donald Eastlake III, Scott Dennis, and Ruth Sachter were elected to three-year terms. The results in detail are as follows. First Seat
Second Seat
Third Seat
The committee of MPC ballot tellers (Tim Illingworth, Kevin Standlee, Cheryl Morgan) moves that, per our usual practice, the ballots be destroyed. The Mark Protection Committee is scheduled to meet immediately following today's Business Meeting, in Hyatt Grand Ballroom B if time allows, or at such other location as may be arranged. 1.2. Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee See separate handout and the agenda for the First Main Business Meeting (Saturday) for this report. NP&FSC Items 1 through 4 passed at the Preliminary Business Meeting. Items 5 and 6 were constitutional amendments, and passed at the First Main Business Meeting. Item 7 was postponed indefinitely and was therefore not directly addressed. 1.3. Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee This committee reported to the Preliminary Business Meeting and was continued for another year. 1.4. Rest of the World Hugo Eligibility Committee The Preliminary Business Meeting voted to continue this committee for another year. At the First Main Business Meeting, the Chairman appointed the following people to the Committee: Kevin Standlee (Chair) (standlee@lunacity.com), Chris Barkley, Vince Docherty, George Flynn, Tim Illingworth, Saul Jaffe, Rick Katze, Perrianne Lurie, Cheryl Morgan, Mark Olson, Sharon Sbarsky, and Ben Yalow. The committee chair may augment the membership of the committee at his discretion. This committee will do substantially all of its deliberations by electronic mail. To request to be added to this committee's deliberation, write to hugo2-request@sflovers.rutgers.edu after September 10, 2000. 2. Worldcon Reports 2.1 Past Worldcons and NASFiCs All past Worldcons and NASFiCs required to submit financial reports did so at the Preliminary or First Main Business Meetings. Copies of these reports should still be available among the many piles of paper at the entrance to the room. 2.2. Seated Worldcons 2.2.1. Chicon 2000 (2000) A limited number of reports from Chicon 2000 are available. They are rather long. See the head table staff if you want a copy. 2.2.2. The Millennium Philcon (2001) Their financial report is printed on the reverse of page 3 of this meeting's agenda. 2.2.3. ConJose (2002) ConJose presented its financial report at the First Main Business Meeting. 3. Business Passed On from Aussiecon Three There is no Business Passed On from Aussiecon Three.4. New Business 4.1.Resolutions All resolutions appearing in previous meetings' agendas were dealt with at previous meetings. 4.2. Standing Rules Amendments All Standing Rule amendments appearing in previous meetings' agendas were dealt with at previous meetings. 4.3. Constitutional Amendments 4.3.1. Return to 2-Year Bidding This item was defeated (38-51) at the First Main Business Meeting. 4.3.2 Best Television Series Hugo Award 4.3.3 The Long and Short of It 4.3.4 The Not So Long and Short of It The above three items were killed by Objection to Consideration at the Preliminary Business Meeting, at which time the PBM voted to create a committee to study the issues surrounding the Best Dramatic Presentation Hugo Award. At the First Main Business Meeting, the Chairman appointed the following people to the Committee: John Lorentz (Chair) (jlorentz@spiritone.com), Chris Barkley, Johnny Carruthers, Brenda Daverin, Vince Docherty, Paul Haggerty, Tim Illingworth, Michael Mason, Cheryl Morgan, Mary Mormon, Skip Morris, Richard Russell, Tom Schard, Chris Schuldiner, Kevin Standlee, Geoffrey Surrette, Gayle Surrette, and Lew Wolkoff, Richard announced e-mail discussion list on this topic open to all persons. Write to RichardRussell@badger.alumni.wisc.edu to be added to this list. 5. Site Selection Business Any business designated for the site selection meeting not done at the beginning of the meeting will happen at this time. 6. Adjournment sine die No further meetings are scheduled this year. By previous order adopted at the Preliminary Business Meeting, today and tomorrow's meetings will adjourn in memory of Ross Pavlac. The Preliminary Business Meeting adjourned in memory of Robert Sacks. |
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