Chicon 2000: WSFS Business Meeting Chicon 2000 WSFS Business Meeting Rev. 23-Aug-2000 Previous: Writers Workshop (Table of Contents) Next: WSFS Constitution, Part 1 _________________________________________________________________ Infobot: Call for Motions Kevin Standlee: If you have a motion you plan to submit to the WSFS Business Meeting this year and can send it to me in electronic form by the end of the day on MONDAY, AUGUST 28, I will incorporate it into the agenda for the meeting. That way, you will not have to go make 200 copies of it yourself and we can cut down on the number of loose pieces of paper. Technically, you must also submit a copy of the proposal signed by the maker and seconders to the head table staff before the motion can be considered, but you don't have to make 200 copies of that if you get electronic copy to me by next Monday. Besides plain text, I can accept attachments as MS Word files, RTF, or anything that Word can open. I ask that when indicating changes, you use strikethru type to indicate deletions and underline type to indicate additions. Comments not part of a motion but intended to be printed with it can be in italic type. Motions should be sent to by Monday, 28-Aug-2000. _________________________________________________________________ Every Worldcon is required to host the Business Meeting, which is hosted in multiple sessions. Any attending member is welcome to take part in the meetings. If you wish to bring business before the Meeting, you should, at the very least, read and understand the Constitution of the WSFS and the Standing Rules. Below is the provisional agenda of the Business Meeting, as forwarded from the 1999 Business Meeting. _________________________________________________________________ * 1.0 Committee Reports + 1.1 Mark Protection Committee + 1.2 Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee + 1.3 Worldcon Runners Guide Editorial Committee + 1.4 Rest of the World Hugo Eligibility Committee * 2.0 Worldcon Reports + 2.1 Past Worldcons and NASFiCs o 2.1.1 ConAdian (1994) o 2.1.2 L.A.con III (1996) o 2.1.3 Bucconeer (1998) o 2.1.4 Conucopia (1999 NASFiC) o 2.1.5 Aussiecon Three (1999) + 2.2 Seated Worldcons o 2.2.1 Chicon 2000 (2000) o 2.2.2 The Millennium Philcon (2001) o 2.2.3 ConJosé (2002) * 3. Business Passed On from Aussiecon Three There is no Business Passed On from Aussiecon Three * 4. New Business * 5. Site Selection Business + 5.1 Report of the 2003 Site Selection & Presentation by Winners + 5.2 Reports by seated Worldcons + 5.3 Presentation by bidders for 2004 _________________________________________________________________ Previous: Writers Workshop (Table of Contents) Next: WSFS Constitution, Part 1 Top | Table of Contents | What's New | Register | Help