
Chicago Moon-Times
Llunar News Corporation


Chicon 2000  Worldcon 58 Sunday Morning, 3 September 2000

"This is the first convention of the Space Age — when a candidate can promise the moon and mean it."

Inscrutable Messages

Fortune cookie from Chinese Express: "You may attend a party where strange customs prevail.."

Todd Treichel

Galaxy Quest Q & A

Robert Gordon, Hugo Award winning screen writer of Galaxy Quest, will be giving a talk Sunday from 2 pm to 3 pm in the Grand Ballroom of the Swissôtel. Ice Pirates and Topper will be pushed back 1 hour with Forbidden Planet beginning immediately after Topper and then the movie schedule will be back on track.

Steven Silver

No Smoking Means No Smoking

Fans are requested to refrain from smoking in restrooms on the Hyatt Promenade floor. A number of fen have asthma or other respiratory conditions that can be aggravated by smoke. Your consideration is appreciated.


Skimpy Party Reviews

Toronto in 2003 party, Thursday evening, Fan1 to Fan2: "They have real food!" More than 1090 person-visits to the Torcon3 bid party.

Murray Moore

Charlotte in '04 was well attended, if hard to find (Door closed, but warded). They offered a variety of beer and barbecue, and lots of bonhomie.

Mark McNary

The Babylon 5 party had some special guests. Though 2-dimensional, they were definitely stars. Good party and homemade treats.

the Fannish Lutefisk

"I never buy food at a Con, I just graze off the land."

Intergalactic Sound Effects

Friday night’s filk was good, despite the presence of the starship engine rumbling on the far side of the wall, waiting perhaps for one chorus of "Fuel to Feed the Drive".

Dave Weingart

Restaurant Review

Papagus Greek Taverna, 620 North State Street. Friendly, professional service and great Greek food. Good selection. Indoor or outdoor dining. Open until midnight on Sunday and 10 pm on Monday. Ten minute walk from convention or a $6 cab fare. Two blocks west of the Magnificent Mile shopping area. James Allen


Blow For The Con

Wanted: 12 gofers to help blow up balloons for the Mexican dance. If you are available Sunday between 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm you can earn double hours during set-up. 3 gofers are also needed to cover the doors between 9:00 pm to 12:30 am and are also eligible for double hours.

kT FitzSimmons

Con Chair Passes On

Longtime Kansas City fan, Cindy McEldery, passed away Friday. Cindy has been co-chairman of Contraception for the past 12 years as well as a member of the ConQuest con-committee for even longer. Cindy may have lost her long battle with cancer but she never lost her strong spirit. She is survived by her husband, artist Harold McEldery, stepson Kenny and grandson Josh. Kansas City fandom mourns her loss and treasures our memories of this special woman taken from us too soon.

Susan Satterfield

Lost and Found

[The convention has its own lost & found. It’s in ConOps, Skyway 272. -ed.]

Lost: Sharp Memory Master EL-68909B. This is a thin black pocket organizer about 4x6 inches and can be identified by opening it. It has a Hyatt room key card in it. If found please return it to the Hyatt security or front desk. They will track the owner down. Anonymous

Lost: Fossilized ivory piece from a bracelet approximately 2" by 3/8" by ½" crescent shaped. It may have been lost at the movies Friday night at the Swissôtel. Please return to Susan Peck at the Swissôtel. Susan Peck

I have mislaid 3 art books. If you have found them, please, please turn them in to the hotel Lost & Found. There will be a reward. The books are: Dreamquest, the Art of Don Maitz, The Frank Collection, and Art by Eggleton.

Sandra Scheuwr-Syfert

This is the web version of the daily newsletter of the Chicago World Science Fiction Convention (Chicon).  Editor : Chaz Boston Baden Other Editors: Colleen Crosby, Shawn Crosby, Steve Davies Editor-in-training Michael Nelson Webmonger: Mel. White